Rock Climbing Locations 

The New River Gorge National Park is a renowned rock climbing destination, offering a plethora of climbing routes across a variety of cliffs and walls. Here are some popular rock climbing areas within the New River Gorge National Park:

Endless Wall:

  • Endless Wall is one of the most popular climbing areas in the New River Gorge. It offers a range of climbing routes with spectacular views of the gorge. The routes here cater to various skill levels, from beginner to advanced.

Sandstone Falls:

  • Sandstone Falls is another well-known climbing area, known for its diverse routes and beautiful surroundings. It provides a mix of trad and sport climbing routes with varying degrees of difficulty.


  • Cottontop is a climbing area located in the southern section of the New River Gorge. It offers a selection of sport climbing routes on high-quality sandstone.

Beauty Mountain:

  • Beauty Mountain is a great spot for moderate to advanced climbers, with a range of trad and sport routes. The routes here provide scenic views of the gorge and the surrounding area.

Bridge Buttress:

  • The Bridge Buttress area is famous for its accessibility and fantastic climbing routes. It's located near the iconic New River Gorge Bridge, offering a mix of sport and trad climbs.

Summersville Lake Area:

  • Summersville Lake, although not within the national park, is nearby and a popular spot for climbing. The lake offers exciting climbing opportunities on cliffs above the water, known for their high-quality rock.

Fern Creek and Fern Point:

  • Fern Creek and Fern Point provide a variety of climbing routes with stunning views of the gorge. These areas have both sport and trad routes, making them suitable for different climbing preferences.


  • Kaymoor is a historic climbing area known for its challenging routes and the remnants of a coal mining operation. It offers a mix of sport and trad climbing on steep sandstone walls.

Before heading out to climb, ensure you have the necessary climbing equipment, knowledge of the area, and check for any current regulations or restrictions in the New River Gorge National Park. Always prioritize safety and responsible climbing practices.